What if the covers of classic philosophical works were designed as records' covers? One can ask oneself exactly that during lockdown - and then do it. This work is about conceptual, visual, typographic and layout experimentations.
Kant's three critiques
Kant's critical project was a revolution in philosophy. On the first, he analysed the conditions of the possibility of experience (what can we know?), schematising our cognitive apparatus in intuition and understanding, which led to the conclusion that we cannot know truths about things in themselves, only their appearance; this set clear limits to our scientific knowledge, but also made possible the explanation of certain kinds of knowledge. On the second critique, focusing on morality and ethics (what can we do?), Kant followed a similar method, trying to find what is of universal in our practical actions; he deduced the categorical imperative, moral laws that all must following, analysing the system of duties. On the third critique, focusing on aesthetic and teleological judgments (what can we hope for?), Kant intends to bridge the gap created by the two other critiques, unifying his system; the universalisation of aesthetic claims, purposiveness of natures, and the experience of the sublime are some of the central points in this work. These covers therefore were thought as a graphic system, trying to reflect Kant's schematism and consequences of his analysis.

Hegel's monumental system
Hegel was the last philosopher who judged possible to create a philosophical system which would encompass all areas of human intelectual interest, hence the breath of his work. Hallmarks of his philosophy is the historical development of concepts, expressed through his dialectical method, as well as the relations between particulars and universals (in a very broad sense), the roles of rationality and contradiction, and his concept of Absolute (totality). Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit describes the development of human consciousness from immediate experience, passing through reason, ethical and cultural life, up until religious and aesthetic experiences; against Kant, the background is to prove that his schematism and dualism doesn't suffice to account for knowledge's development. On the dense Science of Logic the goal is to show through the development of the categories of the understanding (concepts) and through a critique of formal logic, the proper basis for science. The Encyclopedia outlines his whole system. Finally, the Philosophy of Right deals with his moral and ethical ideas.

Nietzsche's free and provocative spirit
Nietzschean philosophy, in opposition to Hegelian, is marked by its anti-rationalism, which leads to the aphoristic and undisciplined way Nietzsche writes. Which is often confused to lack of consistency. Generally speaking Nietzsche is offering a philosophy that intends to criticise our values in favor of a philosophy that affirms life (recurrent topics are truth, morality, self-overcoming and the Übermensch, the will to power, religion). The use of strong language, which intended to provoke a psychological change in his readers, was often misappropriated for very unnietzschean purposes. This allows to produce covers that are very different from each other, bringing some humor to it. Human, all too human was the first work in his aphoristic style, a book for "free spirits." Thus spoke Zarathustra, maybe his most famous work, and on his account his Magnus opus; central are the idea of self overcoming and the idea of eternal recurrence; a book full of metaphors, parables, and similes. The antichrist presents a sharp criticism of Christian values.

Marx and the world
Marx claimed that philosophy should work to change reality, not to merely describe it. Few books changed so much the world as did the capital. This cover tries reflect this monumentality and everlasting effect.

Wittgenstein's 2 revolutions in the philosophy of language
Wittgenstein revolutionised the philosophy of language twice in his lifetime. With the Tractatus he presented language as an image of states of affairs in the world, misunderstandings in philosophy are due to misuse of language; it is a book focused on syntax and formal logic. Later in his life, on the Investigations he presents a theory of meaning for language ( (the utterance of "beetle" will produce a different image in different minds), and stressing the role of language games in communication, its understanding and mastery.

Other works
Jean Baudrillard's Simulacra & simulation is an analysis culture, society, media and reality. Being one of the books that inspire the movie Matrix the idea for the cover was easy.

Frantz Fanon's Black Skin, White Masks uses Hegel and psychoanalysis to explore the dialects of identity constitution between black and white people.

Spinoza's Ethics presents a metaphysical view in which god and nature are co-extensive and the ethical repercussions of such a view.

Deleuze's Spinoza is a presentation of Spinoza by Deleuze -- here called Spinoza Deleuze remix.

In Hume's A treatise of Human Nature is the claim that rationality will forever be a slave from the passions.